Monday, June 3, 2013

Origin - Modern Under Construction

Origin - Modern Under Construction - Under Construction Specialty Pages


Easy to use clean and modern under construction page.

Feature list (v1.3)

  • Full-Screen background with image rotator

  • Seven high quality background images

  • Ajax enabled contact form

  • Contact form validation (JavaScript)

  • PHP mailer with validation

  • Mailer configuration tool

  • Corporate Map

  • Custom fonts

  • Link to diferent social media sites

  • Valid XHTML Strict 1.0 and CSS

Change log

Version 1.3:
Fixed a bug in mailer script where email body arrived as an empty attachment in some email clients.
Added Name tag to email template.

Version 1.2:
Fixed style.css URL bug

Version 1.1:
Added background image rotator and mailer script

Version 1.0:
Initial release

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