Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Cool Under Construction Theme

Cool Under Construction Theme - Under Construction Specialty Pages

Cool Under Construction Theme WordPress/xHTML

is great looking, advanced speciality page, designed to attract potential users of your future website.

2 in 1!

Both HTML and WordPress versions, each in 10 colours. WordPress theme with special option panel for quick and easy setup.


  • jQuery Countdown

  • 10 Colour versions: Blue, Celadon, Dark, Frozen, Gray, Green Lavender, Orange,

    Red, Yellow.

  • unobtrusive working AJAX contact and subscription forms with validation

  • Social icons

  • Full layered PSDs for all versions

  • Cufon font replacement

  • Fancy progress pie

  • Twitter integration

  • Still great looking and working (the same functionality of forms) when javascript is disabled

  • Valid xHTML/CSS

  • Well structured and documented


  • http://keith-wood.name/countdown.html

  • http://coda.co.za/blog/2008/10/26/jquery-plugin-for-twitter

  • http://cufon.shoqolate.com/generate/

  • http://phpmailer.worxware.com/

  • Yanone Kaffeesatz

  • Bebas Neue

  • BlackJack

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